Fun Halloween Recipe idea circa 1946 – bake sausage patties in acorn squash halves and top them with Jack O’Lantern faces – spooky eats!
A main dish to “delight the kiddies”, create Jack O’Lantern faces out of food! This retro recipe was published in the newspaper in October 1946.
Sausage Patties in Acorn Squash a la Jack O’Lantern – you cut acorn squashes in halves and scoop all the seeds and stuff out of the inside, season with a dash of salt, then fill them up with sausage meat. These are covered and baked in a 400 degree oven for 30 minutes. Then uncovered, the fat drained, and baked another 15 minutes.
Now the fun part – you make Jack O’Lantern faces on the sausage patties using pieces of pimiento. Now the not so fun part – I haven’t tried out this recipe but I imagine the flavor of these to be pretty bland at best. Did any mom of the day actually host a Halloween party for her kids and their friends, bake up these wonders, then actually get the kids to eat them?! (I wouldn’t have gone near anything with squash in it when I was a youngster, maybe those kids just picked out the sausage pieces.)